星期三, 1月 25, 2006

The Apprentice Season 2 主題曲: "For The Love of Money"

"誰是接班人"第二季的主題曲(Theme Song)是由費城知名靈魂樂團The O'Jays(歐傑斯樂團)演唱的"For The Love of Money",歌詞如下:

Money money money money, money
Some people got to have it
Some people really need it
Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it
You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it
Talk about cash money, money
Talk about cash money- dollar bills, yall

For the love of money
People will steal from their mother
For the love of money
People will rob their own brother
For the love of money
People can't even walk the street
Because they never know who in the world they're gonna beat

For that lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar, money

For the love of money
People will lie, Lord, they will cheat
For the love of money
People don't care who they hurt or beat
For the love of money
A woman will sell her precious body
For a small piece of paper it carries a lot of weight
Call it lean, mean, mean green

Almighty dollar
I know money is the root of all evil
Do funny things to some people
Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime
Money can drive some people out of their minds

Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Some people really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Lay down, lay down, a woman will lay down
For the love of money
All for the love of money
Don't let, don't let, don't let money rule you
For the love of money
Money can change people sometimes
Don't let, don't let, don't let money fool you
Money can fool people sometimes
People! Don't let money, dont let money change you,
it will keep on changing, changing up your mind.

(Music and Lyrics by: The O'Jays)

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星期五, 1月 06, 2006

Donald Trump在The Apprentice (1)的引言 (英文原文)

我很喜歡製作人Mark Burnett在第一季的片頭中安排Donald Trump用標準川普式的誇張語調引言,來介紹這個節目。雖然每個美國人都知道川普講話誇張與霸氣的程度令人瞠目結舌,但是,實際上,美國這麼大的一個國家,許許多多的美國年輕人,對紐約市有一種莫名的憧憬。許多美國青年,為了能夠到New York City(NYC)體驗真正大都會生活,找尋更大的人生機遇,更是不惜放棄遠離家鄉的一切,單槍匹馬前進紐約市。

透過川普的這段引言,Mark Burnett除了燃起美國人對NYC的莫名嚮往之外,也成功的將Donald Trump包裝成一種"從破產邊緣回到事業高峰的成功生意人"形象重新定位川普,並介紹給美國觀眾。我每次重聽這段引言,仍會有被激勵的感覺!以下就是這段引言的英文原文:

“New York, my city, where the wheels of the global economy never stop turning, a concrete metropolis of unparalleled strength and purpose that drives the business world.”

"Manhattan is a tough place. This island is a real jungle. If you’re not careful, it can chew you up and spit you out. But if you work hard, you can really hit it big. And I mean really big."

“My name is Donald Trump and I’m the largest real estate developer in New York. I own buildings all over the place, model agencies, the Miss Universe Pageant, jetliners, golf courses, casinos, and private resorts like Mar-a-Lago, one of the most spectacular estates anywhere in the world.”

“But it wasn’t always so easy. About thirteen years ago I was in serious trouble. I was billions of dollars in debt. But I fought back and I won—big league. I used my brain. I used my negotiating skills. And I worked it all out. Now my company is bigger than it ever was and stronger than it ever was and I’m having more fun than I ever had.

“I’ve mastered the art of the deal and I’ve turned the name Trump into the highest-quality brand. And as the master I want to pass my knowledge along to somebody else. I’m looking for ... ... The Apprentice.”


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The Apprentice (1-4)的遺珠之憾落敗者的網站


Season One:
Kwame Jackson

Season Two:
基本上,我覺得這一季沒有什麼遺珠之憾,虛偽的假仙一堆,表現得普遍都很差!若硬要選,只能說因為同樣身為亞洲人,所以會特別注意這位亞裔美籍參賽者:Ivana Ma

Season Three:
They all should be fired!!! 所以,這一季沒有遺珠之憾。

Season Four:
Rebecca Jarvis

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誰是接班人1-4季(The Apprentice 1-4) 四大接班人的個人網站

第一到第四季 The Apprentice的勝利者總整理:
Season One:
Bill Racic http://www.billrancic.com/

Season Two:
Kelly Perdew http://www.kellyperdew.com/

Season Three:
Kendra Todd http://www.kendratodd.net/

Season Four:
Dr. Randal Pinkett http://www.randalpinkett.com/

個人最欣賞的是第四季的贏家: Randal Pinkett

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What!? 誰是接班人?(The Apprentice)

我本來以為台灣沒有播出The Apprentice這個節目,沒想到今天逛台灣網站時,看到台灣的緯來電視台也有播出這個全美最熱門的真人實境節目:The Apprentice,中文節目名稱叫做:誰是接班人。

這個節目名稱翻得很棒!所以我把我的部落格The Apprentice Recap也加上這個"誰是接班人"的中文名稱。

不過,這節目精采之處就在於不知道到底最後誰被Fired, 誰會勝出?若是沒有同步,那台灣觀眾都從網站上可以得知誰是最後勝利者,可能就少了些期待與刺激了!不過,從中了解真實美國職場上的商業競爭,也是會頗有收穫!

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